Are you the sort of person who dislikes wasting time on the boat transfer to Nusa Lembongan?
Book your next ferry transfer to Nusa Lembongan with Kai Koa fast boat
Kai Koa is a new premium ferry transfer service and the fastest way to get between Nusa Lembongan and Bali.
Transit times between Lembongan and Bali are reduced to just 16-minutes (about half the time of the crossing with a normal fast-ferry service) and a maximum of 8 guests on board.
Private shuttles available for the ultimate way to bring your group to Nusa Lembongan.
Also available for private surf strike missions to places like Desert Point (regularly rated as one of the best left hand surf breaks in the world) and Lakey Peak.
Notify our reservations team when booking your accommodation to arrange you transfer with the Kai Koa service. Boat rates for the transfer to Nusa Lembongan may vary depending on season, so our team will provide you with a quote at the time of enquiry.